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protective behaviours and BODY SAFETY

eSafeKids strives to reduce and prevent harm through proactive prevention education, supporting and inspiring parents, carers, educators and other professionals to talk with children, young people and vulnerable adults about protective behaviours and body safety.


eSafeKids provides workshops and webinars throughout metropolitan and regional Australia and internationally. All workshops are delivered by Kayelene Kerr.


Prevalence of Child Abuse in Australia


Findings from the 2023 Australian Child Maltreatment Study indicate 62.2% of the Australian population has experienced at least one type of child maltreatment. Exposure to domestic violence was the most common form of maltreatment, followed by physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect.

Child Abuse Australia

 Australian children experienced child sexual abuse

Child Abuse Australia Girls

More than 1 in 3 girls experience child sexual abuse

Child Abuse Australia Boys

Almost 1 in 5 boys experience child sexual abuse

Teaching children Protective Behaviours and Body Safety in age and developmentally appropriate ways doesn't take away a child's innocence, it helps to protect it.  


To prevent abuse, reduce violence and promote safety and wellbeing, protective behaviours education focuses on developing life skills of empowerment, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, problem solving, help seeking, persistence and assertiveness. 


Learn more about Protective Behaviours. 



  • Child Abuse Facts, Myths & Misconceptions

  • Grooming Behaviours

  • Harmful Sexual Behaviours

  • Responding to a report of child abuse

  • Protective Interruption

  • ​Being Safe & Feeling Safe

  • Emotional Intelligence & Feelings

  • Body Signals & Warning Signs

  • Assessing Risk & Problem Solving

  • Safe & Unsafe Secrets

  • Public & Private

  • Personal space & consent

  • Assertiveness

  • It's ok to say no

  • Persistence

  • Help Seeking & Trusted Adults

  • Pornography

  • Conversation starters

  • Resources & ongoing support


Parent / Carer

Protective Behaviours & Body Safety


Teaching children water safety, road safety and sun safety tends to come more naturally to many parents, carers and grandparents. However, personal safety and body safety can be more challenging.


Talking about child abuse is a sensitive topic and sometimes parents/carers don’t know where to start. Thankfully there is a way to provide children with these necessary life skills and strategies that is non-confronting and child friendly. 


This comprehensive parent/carer workshop is filled with real world examples to educate, equip, empower, support and inspire you. You will leave this workshop with up-to-date information, conversation starters, practical strategies and resource recommendations.

Workshop Duration

2.5 hours

In Western Australia all students receive protective behaviours prevention education. This workshop compliments the Protective Behaviours education your child should be getting taught at school. 


WA Government Schools Department of Education

Under the Department of Education’s Child Protection policy, principals are required to implement protective behaviours education that aligns with the Western Australian Curriculum across all phases of schooling.

WA Non-Government Schools Registration Standard 10
Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse 

eSafeKids Protective Behaviours books training resources Perth WA.jpg


Protective Behaviours & Body Safety 


This comprehensive professional development workshop is filled with real world examples to educate, equip, empower, support and inspire you. You will leave this workshop with up-to-date information, conversation starters, practical strategies and resource recommendations.


Workshop Duration

1 day / 2 days / 4 hour refresher

In 2011 The Hon Peter Blaxell commenced a Special Inquiry ‘St Andrew’s Hostel Katanning: How the system and society failed our children’. The Blaxell Inquiry highlighted that historically, the teaching has been poor in the area of sex education and protective behaviours, specifically stating it has been; “... of a very low quality and usually limited to the occasional warnings of the “stranger danger” variety. The standard stereotype of child molesters being old men in raincoats sidling up to the school yard was very misleading for children.”


Workshop Duration 

60 / 90 minutes


Talking About Sexual Abuse 


There remains a critical need for sexual abuse prevention education to be delivered to secondary school age students. Our Talking About Sexual Abuse workshop is designed to assist young people: identify unsafe situations; respond in unsafe situations; report unsafe situations. 


Topics Covered


  • Myths and Misconceptions

  • Grooming Behaviours

  • ‘Real world’ examples - Identify, Respond, Report

  • Unsafe Secrets

  • Personal space and consent

  • Help seeking

  • Support services for young people


eSafeKids does not generally deliver in home education sessions. If this is a service you require please submit the contact form below and we can refer you to a number of service providers.  

Educate, equip and empower children with knowledge through stories!


Reading with children provides an opportunity to teach vital life skills in a child friendly, fun, age and stage appropriate way. Reading books that are meaningful can have a lasting impact. Selecting books with teachable moments and content can assist you to discuss a wide range of topics, particularly those that are sometimes tricky and sensitive.

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