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Parental Control: YouTube App & Smart TV

Updated: Jan 19

This article was written by Kayelene Kerr from eSafeKids.

If your child uses the YouTube App or watches YouTube on a smart TV consider turning on ‘Restricted Mode’.

Setting Restricted Mode - YouTube App

These instructions are for if you use the YouTube App without signing into an account.

1. Open YouTube App

2. Select settings (the gear icon ⚙️)

3. Select General

4. Locate ‘Restricted Mode’

5. Toggle on ‘Restricted Mode

Also consider these other helpful tools:

1. Remind me to take a break

2. Remind me when it’s bedtime

3. Turn off ‘Auto Play’

Setting Restricted Mode - Smart TV

1. Open YouTube on your smart TV 2. Select settings (the gear icon ⚙️ ) 3. Locate ‘Restricted Mode’ and select 4. Turn on ‘Restricted Mode’

Please remember you need to do this on every smart TV that is used to access YouTube. Also don’t forget to do this on all other devices used to access the YouTube app.

Don't set and forget - It is important to review and update the settings regularly to ensure that they are still effective and relevant.

Additional Parental Control tools

Parental control tools can assist to monitor, restrict, limit and filter what children and young people do and see online. Parental control tools have become increasingly important and can place restrictions on the websites children access, block inappropriate content, limit screen time, monitor online activities, and control the apps children use. Some tools also enable parents to track their child's location.

There are many tools available and they all offer different functions. Free parental controls can also be found on devices and on websites.

Whilst parental control tools are a valuable resource they can assist, but not replace or substitute, ongoing parental participation, supervision, education and conversation.

You'll find a list of paid parental controls here.

Child friendly books and resources

My recommended child friendly book for primary school aged children is The Fabulous Friend Machine. You may also like My Device Rules and The Surfing Penguin.

Further information

You may like to read the following eSafeKids Blogs:

To learn more about eSafeKids workshops and training visit our services page.

To view our wide range of child friendly resources visit our online shop.

Join the free eSafeKids online Members' Community. It has been created to support and inspire you in your home, school, organisation and/or community setting.

About The Author

Kayelene Kerr is recognised as one of Western Australia’s most experienced specialist providers of Protective Behaviours, Body Safety, Cyber Safety, Digital Wellness and Pornography education workshops. Kayelene is passionate about the prevention of child abuse and sexual exploitation, drawing on over 24 years’ experience of study and law enforcement, investigating sexual crimes, including technology facilitated crimes. Kayelene delivers engaging and sought after prevention education workshops to educate, equip and empower children and young people, and to help support parents, carers, educators and other professionals. Kayelene believes protecting children from harm is a shared responsibility and everyone can play a role in the care, safety and protection of children. Kayelene aims to inspire the trusted adults in children’s lives to tackle sometimes challenging topics.

About eSafeKids

eSafeKids strives to reduce and prevent harm through proactive prevention education, supporting and inspiring parents, carers, educators and other professionals to talk with children, young people and vulnerable adults about protective behaviours, body safety, cyber safety, digital wellness and pornography. eSafeKids is based in Perth, Western Australia.

eSafeKids provides books and resources to teach children about social and emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, gender equality, consent, body safety, protective behaviours, cyber safety, digital wellness, media literacy, puberty and pornography.

eSafeKids books can support educators teaching protective behaviours and child abuse prevention education that aligns with the Western Australian Curriculum, Australian Curriculum, Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and National Quality Framework: National Quality Standards (NQS).

Cyber Safety Perth

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